Social anxiety disorder causes and symptoms – Social Shyness

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Social anxiety disorder causes and symptoms – Social Shyness

Social anxiety disorder causes and symptoms – Social Shyness

Social anxiety disorder – Typically, anxiety is more general and involves non-social worries like money or physical safety. Another illustration is agoraphobia, a condition in which sufferers dread going anywhere in public for fear of becoming stuck there and being unable to get out in case anything humiliating occurs or they start to panic.

However, in cases of agoraphobia, the concern is more about being suffocated in a throng and unable to flee than it is about being evaluated. Psychotherapy, medicine, or a mix of the two are frequently used as treatments.

If psychotherapy is needed, cognitive behavioral therapy is advised since it teaches people new ways of thinking and doing that might be helpful when interacting with others.
The most popular kind of treatment is antidepressants, especially benzodiazepines, beta-blockers, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs).

While SNRIs assist control serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine to reduce anxiety, SSRIs help regulate serotonin levels in the brain.
The psychotropic medications known as benzodiazepines have a calming effect.
The physical signs of performance anxiety can sometimes be relieved by beta blockers.
Because there is a chance of unfavorable side effects, cognitive behavioral treatment provides greater advantages than medicine in the long run.

Okay, just a fast recap: people with social anxiety disorder have increased concern about behaving in a way or exhibiting anxiety symptoms that will be adversely judged by others.
Having social anxiety that is only present during performance is a particular subtype.

The anxiety is so intense that it interferes with daily living and is virtually always present in the specific social environment.

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