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Here are the symptoms of social anxiety – Social Shyness

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Here are the symptoms of social anxiety – Social Shyness

Here are the symptoms of social anxiety – Social Shyness

Symptoms of social anxiety – Do you have trouble interacting with others? Do you have anxiety while considering attending a social event? Since they both have a lot of the same traits, social anxiety and shyness can be extremely easily confused.

Social anxiety is a psychiatric disease, whereas shyness is a personality attribute.
Before we get started, we’d want to make clear that this article was written solely for educational reasons and was not meant to replace a professional diagnosis.
Following are eight warning indications that you may have social anxiety.

#1 You always feel self-conscious.
Extreme dread of criticism is one symptom of social anxiety.
Kocovski and Endler claim that if you have social anxiety, you’ll continually worry about how you come across and how you behave in front of other people.

Your biggest worry is seeming foolish in front of other people.
On the other hand, a shy person simply worries about being evaluated in specific situations, such as while speaking in front of an audience or meeting someone new.
#2 You think your anxiousness is out of control.
It’s normal to feel shy or frightened around other people at times, such as when you start a new school or have to perform in front of an audience.

However, social anxiety is unreasonable and unfounded.
You may feel anxious about something as easy as establishing eye contact with someone, taking public transit, or dining in public. Fear is constantly present…
Fear is constantly present.

#3 It detracts from your performance. Have you ever phoned in sick from work because your anxiety was too much for you?
…or have you remained silent while you were experiencing difficulty in class?
Social anxiety may have a negative influence on your performance in a variety of ways…
You can even be frightened to achieve well in order to avoid bringing attention to yourself.
Because of the worry it causes, you don’t offer ideas at meetings, raise your hand in class, or join groups.
#4 It has an impact on your relationships.

While it might be difficult to make friends when you are shy…it can feel nearly impossible when you have social anxiety.
It’s typically about breaking the ice… and getting through the unpleasantness of meeting each other for a shy individual.
However, social anxiety might cause problems in your relationships.
You are uncomfortable and anxious with others, regardless of how close you are or how long you’ve known them.

#5 Familiarity does not make it go away.
It’s natural to be timid in the start of a new relationship.
However, as you get to know one other, the tension will begin to fade.
This is not the case if you suffer from social anxiety.
Instead, anytime you’re among other people, you feel anxiety, anguish, and shame.
It doesn’t matter if it’s your parents, siblings, or closest friend…unless you’re alone, you always feel uneasy and agitated.

#6 You overthink everything.
Have you ever told yourself, “I waited too long to respond, and now she doesn’t like me…”
or “He didn’t greet me this morning because he’s angry with me…”
You may get obsessed with your social interactions if you suffer from social anxiety.
You may use a significant amount of time and energy…..analyzing other people’s facial expressions…..body language and tone of voice… determine if they truly mean what they’re saying.

#7 You shy away from social settings.
Are you frequently missing or arrive late for social gatherings?
It’s a major problem if your social anxiety causes you to shun social interactions entirely.
You deny invitations, refuse to talk in front of others, and prefer to remain in the corner….to avoid being recognized and socialize with others.
It makes no difference if it’s a typical day at work or school…your own birthday party…or even your wedding day.

#8 You are experiencing physical symptoms.
Do you feel sick?
Do you experience dizzy or chest palpitations in social situations?
Social anxiety, like most anxiety disorders, is frequently accompanied by physical symptoms.
Sweaty palms, shortness of breath, lightheadedness, and shaking are all typical symptoms.
While these are also symptoms of someone suffering a panic attack.

If you only exhibit these symptoms while expecting or being out in a social environment, you’ll be able to discern the difference. Do you recognize any of the symptoms listed above?
Please let us know in the comments section below.
If you do, you are not alone…nor are you wrong for feeling this way.

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